Tag Archives: fart games

PG-004 Juvenile Flatulence and Childhood Woes

It’s been a bad couple of weeks, so Phil and Rita start off with some juvenile humor. Hey we’re all still 12 years old.

Celebrity farts: We play the game and make some noise perfect for laughter around the dinner table.

Sickness: We touch on our summer colds which put us out of commission while we should have been recording podcasts. Sorry. At least we’re on the mend. So now we’ve done farts and sickness. Where does it lead next?

Food: Of course! Food! Rita makes an awesome amazing Vietnamese noodle salad she found on allrecipes.com. A couple of tweaks to fit our palate and we’re good to go…when we find the exact recipe we’ll update the link. UPDATE: here’s the link to this really tasty Vietnamese noodle salad.

Injuries around the home: Of course Phil’s memory is forever stained by injuries caused by those who should love you. This leads to the next topic however.

Parents: They can be bizarre with the way they raise you. If you confront them about it however, they have no memory of your agony. Then we’re on to food again with Quisp and Quake. Look it up.

Puppet chutes: No explanation required!

Still more food: In order, we cover chocolate eclairs, dirt, glue, paste, Silly Putty and seaweed.

On Wisconsin: The formerly progressive state that is probably not so much any more…


Filed under Podcast

PG-002 Vegetarian Options

In this episide of Prehensile and Gretel we unscientifically examine a wide range of topics that, without any prior planning, ended up loosely connected to food.

Lemons and Limes: Juice, zest and the summer sun. Vince Van Patten gets a mention in this segment. This episode was recorded just a day before we heard the news of Vince’s father, Dick Van Patten passing away at age 86. Our condolences to the family.

Beans: Well, not so much as you normally think of them. Rita remembers hearing the word used as slang for drugs, possibly barbiturates. Possibly amphetamines. We don’t know cause we never used them…

Spam: Phil does an impromptu dramatic interpretation of garbage words embedded in spam. Possibly some haiku coming of this for a future episode?

Vegetarian options: We pull a phrase from our universal box of all that is good and noble get the phrase: “vegetarian options.” Tofurkey anyone? This also  leads to organics and GMO commentary from Rita and Phil.

Farts: What becomes of all the food? It depends on how well you chew. Phil and Rita discuss a game they play at home!

If you have any comments our email is comments at prehensileandgretel.com. We welcome your suggestions!

Thanks for listening!

-Phil and Rita


Filed under Podcast